Requiring a larger card, and consuming RAM with filesystem metadata,
increases the cost of ownership and decreases the number of learners
served.  So care should be taken to minimise the build size, download
size, and runtime size.

Each of your reasons for larger size contribute a different quantity.
Expanding the filesystem during first boot means you have random data
from the previously used blocks on the microSD card.  You also have
very large docker images and containers.

What is the use case for including docker images and containers?  Will
all users of the final image need these features, and will they use
them?  If they are used by only a few people, or will not be used, the
features might be removed to save space.

My understanding of your development history on this project is that
you were unable to find a way to complete docker installation from
within the rpi23-gen-image builder.  Is that still the case?

Has the hardlink utility been run to deduplicate the filesystem?

Has the unallocated space of the filesystem been erased to speed image

On Mon, Jul 23, 2018 at 09:52:07PM +0530, Aman Sharma wrote:
> Hello Bastien,
> - Thank You , I am glad you like my work.
> - The image has this enormous size because we have included docker images in
> this image itself. This would help the users to save bandwidth as they dont
> have  to download 600-800MB around docker images to setup containers. Also the
> image link I have provided in my earlier email is a fully setup rpi image
> (basically the backup of a once booted image). I have did this because my
> generated rpi image requires internet connectivity and 25-30mins after the
> first boot to set the things up. So provided a backup image like is helpful 
> for
> the community to test the image easily and  as soon as possible.
> - Backup image is large because in this image docker containers are already
> created. Also we have sugarizer and sugarizer-server in the image.
> - To flash the image , unzip the Sugarizer.gz and flash the extracted image
> using dd.(You will need atleast a 16GB sdcard)
> - Documentation : [1]
> - My Blog : [2]
> sugarizer-rpi-image/
> - For a more detailed documentation on customizing the image is here : [3]
> If you have any other queries / suggestions, feel free to reach me out.
> Thank You 
> Aman Sharma
> On Mon, Jul 23, 2018 at 1:32 PM, Bastien <[4]> wrote:
>     Hi Aman,
>     this is great work, thank you.
>     If I may ask, why the initial image is so big?  Can you detail a bit
>     what takes so much place?
>     Also, is there a documented way to customize the image?
>     Thanks again!
>     --
>      Bastien
> References:
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]

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