Hello Dipansh,

Thanks for reaching out and showing your interest. Can you list exactly
which projects you contributed to or are interested in Sugar Labs? Going
through your GitHub profile, since you are experienced in JS, you can fit
in with the Sugarizer team.

Being a mentor for this years GCI requires that you're a contributor to
sugarlabs, take a look at the list below - by James Cameron -
Looking forward to your contributions. Thanks.

New to Sugar Labs?  Unlock these achievements in any order;

1.  Use Sugar or Sugarizer,


    * by using Sugar or Sugarizer you will learn how it works, and
      what can be improved.

    * mandatory,

2.  Read our Code of Conduct,


    * mandatory,

3.  Join the developer mailing list,


    * for asking questions and helping others,

    * don't use digest mode if you plan to post messages or replies,
      as it breaks threads, and please try to keep discussions public,

    * mandatory,

4.  Get a GitHub account,


    * for reporting issues, and fixing problems in source code,

    * recommended,

5.  Join the Sugar Labs GitHub organisation,


    * for regular source code contributors, and reviewers, by
      invitation, contact one of the existing members,

    * helpful for mail notification of GitHub activity,

    * optional,

6.  Join as a Member of Sugar Labs,


    * requires some contribution; code, documentation, translations,
      maintenance, running a Sugar deployment, or any other
      non-trivial activities which benefit Sugar Labs,

    * reviewed by committee,

    * optional,

7.  Get a wiki.sugarlabs.org account,


    * needed for maintaining Wiki content,

    * needed as part of moving Wiki content to GitHub,

    * for subscribing to edit notifications.

    * optional,

8.  Get an activities.sugarlabs.org account,


    * needed for releasing new versions of Sugar activities,

    * optional,

9.  Get a shell.sugarlabs.org account,


    * requires a justification,

    * may also provide @sugarlabs.org mail address,

    * for releasing new versions of Sugar components, test builds,
      large data sets, or public git hosting,

    * for limited experimentation with non-root network services, such
      as bots or IRC proxies,

    * optional,

10. Get a translate.sugarlabs.org account,


    * if you are bi- or multi-lingual, use your skills,

    * especially if you can test Sugar activities and components, as
      this will inform your translations,

    * optional,

11. Get a bugs.sugarlabs.org account,


    * only if you must maintain old bug reports,

    * new issues may be reported via GitHub,

    * optional,

12. Join Sugar on Fedora live system mailing list,


    * download, test, report bugs, fix bugs, package,

    * share your experience with others who focus on this

    * optional,

13. Join Sugar on Debian mailing lists,


    * download, test, report bugs, fix bugs, package,

    * share your experience with others who focus on this distribution,

    * optional,

14. Join the Internet Relay Chat channel #sugar


    * for synchronous chat with others,

    * requires registration with freenode.net,

    * optional,

15. Join the Internet Relay Chat channel #sugar-meeting


    * for meetings, but keep your own transcripts and minutes,

    * requires registration with freenode.net,

    * optional,

16. Maintain an Activity


    * many learner-focused activities (apps) need simple maintenance,

    * adopt an activity you like as your focus.

Hope that helps,

Vipul Gupta
Mixster <https://mixstersite.wordpress.com/> | Github
Sugar-devel mailing list

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