Thanks.  That's interesting.  The page is automatically generated from
new pages added to the Wiki.  I hadn't thought to check there for new

The problem with Math Hurdler at the moment (ff8a15d) is that it does
not start in Sugar.  A message appears "Math Hurdler failed to start."
Logs show this;

1553485563.457917 WARNING root: Activity bundle
/home/guest/Activities/MathHurdler.activity does not specify a license
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/sugar-activity", line 5, in <module>
  line 178, in main
    module = __import__(module_name)
ImportError: No module named MathHurdlerActivity
Exited with status 1, pid 1371 data (<open file '<fdopen>', mode 'w'
at 0x7fcb9b4c2540>, 'fa4da9b8c4c2eb36f0863d5cbadc72295a506524')

Cause is mismatch between exec in and class name in
source code.

I'm not sure if the activity was finished before it was added to the

By the way, your mail wasn't deleted.

On Mon, Mar 25, 2019 at 08:40:28AM +0530, Rushabh Vasani wrote:
> Hello James,
> I actually found it on .
> And after installing pygame it was finely working for me. In fact the
> activities that uses GTK are also working for me now and I have sent another
> mail for that containing [Sugar-devel] in the subject so everyone can read 
> that
> and that's why I deleted the mail above.The problem with that was that I was
> installing packages in my anaconda environment and my editor was using another
> environment so I just installed the packages in that python environment and it
> worked for me.
> But for your problem can you please tell me the error which you see while
> running "./" .
> Thank you and I am really looking forward to contribute in another activities.
> Thank you.
> --Rushabh
> On Mon 25 Mar, 2019, 6:55 AM James Cameron <[2] wrote:
>     Thanks Rushabh, this math-hurdler activity is new to me.  How did you
>     find it?
>     Perhaps Craig Cabrey is busy.  It has only been four days.  Craig is
>     not a regular contributor at Sugar Labs.  The activity may have been
>     made by the FOSSRIT team at Rochester Institute of Technology
>     [3]
>     I've forked the activity to [4]
>     so we can keep a copy of it.
>     The activity does need GTK.  It is mostly implemented in PyGame.
>     Is it working for you?  I get an error on import.
>     On Sun, Mar 24, 2019 at 11:35:39AM +0530, Rushabh Vasani wrote:
>     > Hello everyone !
>     > I am facing a problem of "No module named gi " and "No module named
>     > sugar3.activity " when I am trying to run any activity using GTK.
>     > I have solved an issue of an activity named math-hurdler and have made a
>     also 
>     > [1]Pull Request (Which has not been responded yet Because the author of
>     that
>     > activity has not given the authority of that activity to SugarLabs and
>     his
>     > GitHub profile is inactive from very long time.And he is not answering 
> my
>     mails
>     > also .) .But this activity was not using GTK so I didn't faced any
>     problem
>     > there.
>     > Clarification is that I have installed GTK  and all other required
>     dependencies
>     > on my machine.
>     > I am facing this problem from last 2 days if anyone can solve this the
>     help
>     > will be appreciated.
>     > Thank you.
>     >
>     > --
>     > Rushabh 
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