Hi Sugar,

OLPC France has been in touch with two students who will organize
IT workshops for children in various countries in Asia (India,
Bangladesh, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand) and South
America (Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Peru).

OLPC France will give them two XO laptops.

What is the best way to let them know people who are still active
on OLPC deployments in these countries?

I CC them -- don't forget to keep them in the loop or to send them
OLPC contacts thay you may have in these countries.

Below is their message.

Thanks a lot in advance for your help.


We are two students in IT school in France with the following project:
In one year, we will go to Asia (India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Laos,
Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand) and South America (Brazil, Paraguay,
Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Peru) to meet local children and student to
share our IT knowledge.

Following our studies, we are convinced of the opportunities, but also
the dangers of IT for anyone. That’s why we want to awaken people to
IT. But instead of creating a global workshop, we want to respond to a
real need in local countries.

To achieve that, we want to create our workshops based on OLPC
initiative. OLPC France will lend us 2 XO computers. But to make our
initiative more relevant, we want to respond to a real need in each
country. For that reason, we want to exchange and discuss with
experienced people to obtain a better understanding of the situation
to build relevant workshops.

Based on your experience , do you know some person with this kind of
experience or knowledge? Your help will be very appreciated in any
subject (kind of population in need, contact of local IT school,
problems about IT, IT domain in need of qualified people, etc…)  

Thank you in advance !


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