Welcome Ayush,

Thanks for your work so far.

It is too early to apply, but now is a good time to discuss your
application ideas with us.

Your idea is to do both our project ideas "Port Sugar and core
activities to Python 3" and "Improve and maintain 25 Sugar

After you have applied, we will compare your application with others,
and forward our choice of applications to Google.

https://github.com/sugarlabs/GSoC#want-to-work-with-us- has some of
our guidance.

Your work in the past two weeks is the only work on Sugar and
activities by a GSoC applicant, but there's time yet for other
applicants to demonstrate their work and fluency.


It will be work between 9th December and 23rd April that will
most influence my decision on which applications to forward.

Your work so far has been of high quantity, but of low quality.

Another student may compete with you on the basis of quality; so this
is an opportunity for you to work on quality.

Slow down.

Many of your pull requests had review comments that showed you needed
to do more work; such as design, coding, testing, or documenting.
There were many foreseeable contingencies that you missed.

We have many activities that are not used, because they are
unfinished, or unreleased, or don't work because they have not been
maintained against changing library environment.  I've seen you hit
many of them and have your pull requests stall.

One of our primary goals is people using our software, so it must be
working.  Your focus on the scope of an issue or pull request is
inconsistent with that.  We make an exception for competitions such as
GCI where time is also important, and you did begin work during GCI,
so you may have been misled by our GCI reviewing pattern.

You also have an opportunity to demonstrated you can use the
libraries, tools and techniques that the project ideas refer to.  Look
through the project ideas and make sure you learn what you can.

You should also learn how to review other people's pull requests.

Hope that helps!

On Mon, Feb 24, 2020 at 10:05:56PM +0530, ayush nawal wrote:
> Hello everyone, I am Ayush Nawal, an electronics undergrad.
> I have been contributing to sugar labs from the last 3 months, my 
> contributions
> majorly revolved around many activities that needed some form of porting,
> solving existing issues. I am currently working on some of my pending pull
> requests.
> I wish to participate in GSoC 2020, for that, please guide me if I need to
> contribute project specific to back my proposal with some good pull requests.
> I have gone through the ideas page. I found these ideas more suitable for me:
> 1) port sugar and core activities to python 3.
> 2)  improve and maintain at least 25 sugar activities.

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