Thanks for testing.

Please send me "sudo dpkg-query -W" output.

By reversing the order, there is a mix of Raspbian packages and my
packages, and I'd like to see what the result is.

I'll look for why installing sucrose first did fail.  I'll do this by
removing all my packages and starting again.

On Fri, Mar 06, 2020 at 04:38:45PM -0500, Christian Faris wrote:
> Hello James,
> Thank you for the directions on installing Sugar on Buster. I can confirm that
> sugar is able to boot and the installation was a success. One critical note i
> should mention is that installing sucrose before installing sugar creates
> several issues where you can't install any packages. I found fix where you
> install all of sugar's applications first before sucrose. Bellow is my edited
> version.
> Please install Raspbian Buster, then;
> - add to /etc/apt/sources.list file this line;
> deb [arch=armhf trusted=yes] [1] buster
> main
> - run "sudo apt update",
> - run "sudo apt install sugar-
> {abacus,browse,calculate,chart,chat,clock,develop,finance,findwords,fototoon,fractionbounce,gears,imageviewer,implode,jukebox,letters,log,maze,measure,memorize,moon,music-keyboard,paint,physics,pippy,poll,portfolio,read,record,speak,stopwatch,story,terminal,words,write}
> -activity"
> - run "sudo apt install sucrose",
> - choose Sugar for restart by adding a file
>   echo sugar > .xsession
> - restart the Raspberry pi.
> Thanks you,
> Christian "Chip" Faris
> On 3/6/2020 2:38 PM, James Cameron wrote:
>     Thanks, but did point yesterday.  If you didn't get it, have a look at
>     the mailing list archives;
>     [2]
>     On Fri, Mar 06, 2020 at 01:00:35PM -0500, Jeff Elkner wrote:
>         Hi Alex and James,
>         Could you please point us toward the current sugar packages for Debian
>         Buster?  We don't have anyone with the skills at this point to
>         maintain Debian packages, but we can at least test the current
>         packages, contribute to filing bug reports and writing documentation.
>         We are most interested in using sugar on the raspberry pi.  Any help
>         you could provide to get us started would be greatly appreciated!
>         Thanks!
>         Jeff
>         Let's work together to create a just and sustainable world!
>         On Thu, Mar 5, 2020 at 7:06 PM Christian Faris
>         [3]<> wrote:
>             Alex,
>             I was not at PyCon last year. I would like to get in contact with 
> James and see the packages.
>             Thank you,
>             Christian "Chip" Faris
>             On 3/5/20 6:58 PM, Alex Perez wrote:
>             Christian,
>             Welcome. If you happened to be with Jeff when he and a group of 
> his students were at PyCon last year, we may have met then. I believe James 
> Cameron has some current Sugar packages for Debian he may be able/willing to 
> share with you. We are actually in need of someone to take over packaging of 
> the Sugar packages in Debian. Is that something you might be interested in 
> helping us with?
>             Regards,
>             Alex Perez
>             Christian Faris March 5, 2020 at 3:42 PM
>             Dear Sugar Labs Devel Community,
>             My name is Christian “Chip” Faris and I am active with Sugar Labs 
> DC. I am a former student of Jeff Elkner and have good connections with Kevin 
> Cole. I am helping out a student who has a capstone project of helping Sugar 
> Labs DC to use Sugar on Debian Buster. The GitHub for installing Sugar on 
> Debian Buster has not updated in quite sometime. Since most of the hardware 
> we have (mainly raspberry pi 3B+ and 4) run Debian Buster, I wonder if there 
> is a way to install Sugar on Debian Buster as this will be a huge help with 
> labs and events for our elementary and early childhood education students.
>             Thank you for reading and any help is greatly appreciated!
>             Sincerely yours,
>             Christian “Chip” Faris
>             [4]
>             [5]
>             _______________________________________________
>             Sugar-devel mailing list
>             [6]
>             [7]
> References:
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> [5]
> [6]
> [7]

James Cameron
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