Sound is captured from microphone or line input, expressed as digital
audio samples, resampled at a frequency congruent with the display,
and then drawn as a graph.  Some time is then allowed to elapse before
doing it again.

Where possible, the calculations for capture, resampling, and
formatting are handled by very fast C code in libraries; ALSA, Numpy,
Cairo, and GTK.  This ensures the waveform can be updated many times a

The best guide to the logic is the source code

A visualisation tool such as pydeps may be of use for understanding
the code structure quickly.

My advice is to look for JavaScript waveform capture and display

On Thu, Mar 12, 2020 at 08:20:20AM +0530, Abhishek Tanwar wrote:
> I am porting the Measure activity of Sugar to Sugarizer. Can anyone please 
> help
> me understand the logic used in measure Activity .
> I would be very thankful to you.
> Thank You

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James Cameron
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