
I had four group meetings from 5th till 8th May, with this year's GSoC
mentors and students for Music Blocks, on Jitsi. It was decided first over
mail, and then verbally, that we'll have a brief daily meetup at 17:00 hrs
IST. Apart from short introductions, we talked about a few grey areas in
Music Blocks and pending pull requests.

I had my first mentor meeting on 8th May before the group meetup. My
mentor, Walter, introduced me to his outlook about my project, and we had a
short discussion about its implementation. We talked briefly about the the
project structure and that certain things need refactoring.

We figured there are a few things about the code that needs to be sorted
first — a conversion of a couple of features to ES6 standard remains
incomplete and needs rechecking. Walter suggested that we, the Music Blocks
team, split the task amongst us.

After that is sorted out, I'll be working on a crucial file and convert it
into a Class structure, to help the development process later on. I shared
my intention about using the Community Bonding period to separate out the
code specific to my project and reach a barebone to build upon during the
coding period.

We meet again formally on Monday. Meanwhile, I plan to:

   - Collaborate with my team mates and work on the pending conversion.
   - Sketch out a broader plan based on my GSoC proposal, to serve as
   outline for future meeting.
   - Set up blogs to report my progress.

Thank you.

*Anindya Kundu*
Sugar-devel mailing list

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