
Today, I had a meeting with Michaël and had discussions about work items
from the last week which basically includes:
- Integrate Photon for the address in the SSP.
- Make the addEditDeployment and addEditUser view more descriptive.
- Test MGOB on Azure and GKE.
- Test SSP on Azure AKS with GCP Cloud DNS.

Problems experienced last week:  None

Here is a list of tasks that we have decided for this week:
- Add Deployment Description field to Request Deployment form (With word
- Update documentation and finalise it for final submission.
- Do final submission.
- Update the setup script to support AWS and optional email validation.
- Send verification email if the deployment gets approved/rejected.

PFA slack logs for reference. Next meeting is scheduled for next Monday.


Nikhil  6:33 PM
Hello @Michaël Ohayon
How are you doing?

Michaël Ohayon  6:35 PM
Fine, what about you?

Nikhil  6:36 PM
My schedule is little tough these days due to classes :sweat_smile:. I think it'll get better after 18th (end of the classes)

Michaël Ohayon  6:36 PM
Yeah I understand
That a whole new life so that will pay

Nikhil  6:37 PM
Today is the last day of GSoC coding period according to the timeline
I was having a look at the work submission guidelines: https://developers.google.com/open-source/gsoc/help/work-product
It says
If your GitHub repository is single purpose for GSoC, add a README.md with more detail.

Michaël Ohayon  6:38 PM
I was thinking that you should point to the “sugarizer-school-portal repo”
It should be sufficent

Nikhil  6:38 PM
Yeah. Exactly, the readme repo

Michaël Ohayon  6:38 PM
You may add something about gsoc in there

Nikhil  6:39 PM
Um... We can write that this project was created as a part of Google Summer of Code 2020 program. What do you say?

Michaël Ohayon  6:40 PM
Yeah that is sufficent
I have no feedbacks about their validation process

Nikhil  6:40 PM
I think you're the one who is going to evaluate. So final decision is yours

Michaël Ohayon  6:40 PM
But I did not have any students failing or having issues for missing info in the Repo
Yeah, we are making the pass or fail. What they do after, we do not know  but the decision is taken (edited) 

Nikhil  6:42 PM
Yeah. Last year I messed up :sweat_smile:. I created a blog post describing the project. Then in the submission page, there was a section for "Project Link" or something like that. In that field, I added the link to the repository instead of the blog. The repo was not mine, I just contributed to it. Hopefully I passed the evaluation.
Link to the top of the project's primary source repository.
I.e. if you're working on cpython, this link is not useful: https://github.com/python/cpython
This was under bad examples.
But in our case, it'll be fine.
If your GitHub repository is single purpose for GSoC, add a README.md with more detail.

Michaël Ohayon  6:44 PM
If they look at commits they’ll see your name everywhere

Nikhil  6:45 PM
So I'll update all the documentation. I also need to update the setup script. It does not supports azure and email validation yet.

Nikhil  6:49 PM
Can you include some compliments in "Feedback for your student" section of the Final Evaluation :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:. I'm going to share the final evaluation with feedback on social media.
It'll look awesome if you do so :smile:.

2 replies
Last reply today at 7:59 PMView thread

Michaël Ohayon  6:50 PM
Haha I always try to get into that field things you did well and a few ways to get even better
But no worries, I think you nailed things as we will be able to deploy quick and easily

Nikhil  6:51 PM
So coming back to the last week tasks:
- Integrate Photon for the address in the SSP.
- Make the addEditDeployment and addEditUser view more descriptive.
- Test MGOB on Azure and GKE.
- Test SSP on Azure AKS with GCP Cloud DNS.

Michaël Ohayon  6:51 PM
But yeah I understand that it helps students a lot

Nikhil  6:51 PM
Yeah :smile:
Integrate Photon for the address in the SSP.
It's integrated. You can test it on amazon.sugarizer.tools
Yesterday Lionel was facing an issue because the certificates of https://photon.komoot.de/ were expired. It's working fine now. (edited) 

Michaël Ohayon  6:54 PM
Yeah I tried it on my side with some schools, autocomplete was nice :slightly_smiling_face:

Nikhil  6:56 PM
But we might face that issue if https://photon.komoot.de stops working in future. I modified the Select2 code such that if the API gets an error, it should still work.
Let me share its screenshot
Okay. So that issue is that I managed to add a fail safe if the API starts giving error response (I tested on error 404)
But if the target server stops responding at all, then the failsafe fails :sweat_smile:

Michaël Ohayon  7:00 PM
Mmm it does not timeout ?
Or go into some error you can catch ?

Nikhil  7:00 PM
Like in this case. There is no response from the server. I set the network to offline before making the request.

If we get some kind of error response from API, in that case the suggested text is the written text.

Michaël Ohayon  7:03 PM
We won’t get stuck this way :thumbsup:

Nikhil  7:03 PM
So currently, It should work even if the API reaches its limit and starts giving error.
But I need to look into Select2 code to implement some fix if the API server stops responding at all. (edited) 

Nikhil  7:09 PM
Next task was:
Make the addEditDeployment and addEditUser view more descriptive.
The objective was to make it little more descriptive for Teachers (Clients).
When I looked at "addEditUser" I felt like there is no need to make it more descriptive and Teachers can only see the Profile View.
I have added a small message to make "addEditDeployment" more descriptive for Teachers (Clients).


Actually there was a point by Lionel. He said we require a "Description" field
He wanted to add a text field in the form for Deployment Description. Instead, I was confusing it for "add description to the view".
Add a text field "Deployment Description" in the Deployment Request form.
I'll add that new text field in the form. Should we keep a word limit for the description?
What should be the word limit? (edited) 

Michaël Ohayon  7:12 PM
Word CounterWord Counter
How Many Pages is 5000 Words? – Word Counter
How Many Pages is 5000 Words? Page count depends on a number of factors, including font size and type, margins, spacing, paragraph structure and more. (503 kB)
Pages by Word Count
250 words ?
I’m not sure

Nikhil  7:15 PM
Okay. Maybe @Lionel can give an appropriate word limit as he has good field experience with Sugarizer deployments.

Test MGOB on Azure and GKE.
We tested MGOB on AWS with GCloud Bucker, Azure Storage, Amazon S3 bucket. They all seem to work fine.

Michaël Ohayon  7:17 PM
Yeah I saw all the artifacts this is so nice

Nikhil  7:18 PM
Test SSP on Azure AKS with GCP Cloud DNS.
We tested Sugarizer Deployment installed on Amazon EKS with GCP, AWS and Azure Cloud DNS. They all seem to work perfectly.
I have also added some DNS records on Azure Cloud DNS for email verification which was required for SMTP based mailing.

Michaël Ohayon  7:19 PM
Yeah aws was a pain but it's worth it

Nikhil  7:20 PM
Yeah. Now we can use 3 Cloud DNS provider and 3 Kubernetes Providers with cross support.
Apart from the assigned tasks for this week,
We added Amazon AWS support to the Sugarizer Chart and Sugarizer School Portal Chart.

Michaël Ohayon  7:21 PM
I guess its to avoid email spamming
Or some validation that you're required to add those domain email lines (edited) 

Nikhil  7:22 PM
Actually if domain is not validated, anyone can send email from any email address. It's just a security measure.

Michaël Ohayon  7:24 PM

Nikhil  7:25 PM
We also added MailGun as SMTP to current SSP.
What do you think about this?

Cool, another idea I had  - I don't know if it make sense, should be discuss with @Michaël Ohayon - is "Demo request".
The idea is to auto approve requests for demo - means deployment limited to a very short period of time (let's say 1h max). Once the e-mail is validated, the deployment will be auto-launched but will be automatically removed at the end of pre-determined period of time.
It will allow everyone (including us) to test/demo the service easily.
What do you think?
Posted in #sugarizer-schoolportal | Today at 1:03 AM | View message

Michaël Ohayon  7:26 PM
It is fun for sure

Nikhil  7:27 PM
I think that this is a good idea. It will have positive marketing effect. But it'll be unstable for now.

Michaël Ohayon  7:27 PM
I’m not sure how we can “timeout” things

Nikhil  7:27 PM

Michaël Ohayon  7:28 PM
Maybe on the server we can hook to notifications on collections update

Nikhil  7:28 PM
If we implement it in a hurry, then it can lead to loopholes. (edited) 

Michaël Ohayon  7:28 PM
I think mongodb handles that
Or allows it
It could be a table like timeouts
And we could trigger based on that

Nikhil  7:29 PM
Maybe on the server we can hook to notifications on collections update
For timeouts?

Michaël Ohayon  7:29 PM
Stack OverflowStack Overflow
Delete MongoDB document at specific time
I am looking into deleting a document at a specific time. const TestSchema = new Schema({ expire_at: { type: Date, }, }, { timestamps: true, }); TestSchema.index({expire_at: 1}, {expireAfterSe...
db.collection.watch() — MongoDB Manual (4 kB)
Combining the two could do something nice

Nikhil  7:31 PM
Yeah, but there can be several loopholes.
Currently a deployment need to be approved before deploying it. So we need to temporarily approve the deployment then deploy it. Or just deploy it without approving with some kind of timeout.
If many users request a deployment and we enable trial for each of them, then our cluster will get overloaded.

Michaël Ohayon  7:32 PM
Yeah that needs to be thinked

Nikhil  7:33 PM
In case of server failure, the deployment will be still there but it won't be monitored since it's not approved.
I think we should not implement it for now but keep it as a future feature.
I mean we're going to get bugs on SSP when it goes on production.
If we add this feature now, we can get even more bugs. Plus it's almost the end of GSoC so we can't expect weekly bug fixes on SSP :sweat_smile:.

Nikhil  7:43 PM
I think for this week:
Add Deployment Description field to Request Deployment form (With word limit).
Update documentation and finalise it for final submission.
Do final submission.
Update the setup script to support AWS and optional email validation.
Yeah, there was another point by Lionel.
Send verification email if the deployment gets approved.
I think these tasks will be enough for the last week?
Add Deployment Description field to Request Deployment form (With word limit).
Update documentation and finalise it for final submission.
Do final submission.
Update the setup script to support AWS and optional email validation.
Send verification email if the deployment gets approved/rejected.

Michaël Ohayon  7:59 PM
Yeah I guess so
We’re almost done :smile:

Nikhil  7:59 PM
I think we can create an issue for this task on the repo:
When something stable comes out, we can thoroughly test it and merge it.

Cool, another idea I had  - I don't know if it make sense, should be discuss with @Michaël Ohayon - is "Demo request".
The idea is to auto approve requests for demo - means deployment limited to a very short period of time (let's say 1h max). Once the e-mail is validated, the deployment will be auto-launched but will be automatically removed at the end of pre-determined period of time.
It will allow everyone (including us) to test/demo the service easily.
What do you think?
Posted in #sugarizer-schoolportal | Today at 1:03 AM | View message

Michaël Ohayon  8:02 PM
Yeah that is a great idea (edited) 

Nikhil  8:03 PM
I need to submit the code for final evaluation before 31st.
I'll message you before submitting the final code.

Michaël Ohayon  8:04 PM
Yeah sure
You can submit a few days before to prevent from any issue

Nikhil  8:05 PM
Yeah. Right
I'll try to submit it early. We can modify the docs even after submitting the final code.
Should we end this meeting?

Michaël Ohayon  8:06 PM
Yeah !
Thanks again for your good work
Can’t wait to see it live

Nikhil  8:06 PM
Okay. Have a nice day!

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