Dear Mentors,

I hope all is well. My name is Ritika, and I am going to submit a proposal
to work on the project titled - 'Musical ideation through Generative AI
I am writing this mail to cross check my understanding about the project.

The user will start the composition, say A, C, D. And this input will be
passed to an AI system which will read this and suggest multiple
combinations of notes. Something like:

option 1: A, C, D, D, E, G

option 2: A, C, D, G, C, A


option n: A, C, D, F, A, G

Let me know if this is correct?

If this is correct, then few other follow up questions are:

1. Does the user need some minimum number of notes and after that we will
be asking the AI system to suggest possible notes?

2. What are the metrics on which to evaluate the output from an AI system?
I can think of adding some safety measures to ensure that the output

 a. from the AI system is not harmful

 b. is relevant to the query from the user

3. How to grade the output from the AI system? My understanding is that the
output from the AI system needs to be melodic. Is there a way to check this
in an automated way on a large scale?

Warm Regards

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