On Mar 18, 2008, at 14:51 , Eben Eliason wrote:

> On Tue, Mar 18, 2008 at 4:50 AM, Bert Freudenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > wrote:
>> Besides, I am pretty sure these will not have the effect you  
>> envision.
>> If you make a stroke translucent, half of it will visibly overlap the
>> fill, which looks odd. So even making both the stroke and the fill
>> translucent changes the appearance of the icon. What you actually  
>> want
>> is to make the whole icon translucent, and for that you do not have  
>> to
>> adjust the opacity of each individual element, so you do not need
>> entities.
> Actually, the stroke entity is just there for good measure, as a pure
> "just in case".  And you're right, a partial opacity on the stroke
> makes very little sense on the stroke (unless, for instance, the
> stroke is fully transparent for some reason). The primary intent of
> this addition is to allow simple (gradated) transitions of the fill
> between opaque and transparent, such as the effect that we're trying
> to use when pulsing icons at startup. This will allow the effect,
> which is currently a hack, to work cleanly against all backgrounds,
> including backgrounds that change dynamically (such  as the background
> of a pulsing icon in the Frame, on rollover), which is needed for the
> new design.

But then you would also have to animate strokes that are drawn in the  
fill color. Which again may look odd.

And what if your background accidentally matches your icon fill color  
(at least in brightness in b/w mode)? You won't see any pulsing.  
Rather, I'd think fading the stroke color to black and the fill to  
white or some such scheme would work better.

> Do you think that making sugar-iconify a standard (and strongly
> recommended) step in creating proper sugar icons is a bad idea?

Recommended sure. But strongly? It should remain simple to author  
these by hand, and currently it is rather simple (provided you know  
the rules, which should be documented).

> What are your experiences actually using it so far?

Mine? None.

- Bert -
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