On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 7:37 AM, Bryan Berry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have looked at all 3 docs and they look good
>  have some comments
>  1. Who is in charge of Sugar? the team lead. I remember that Blizzard
>  used to be the team lead. Is it JG now?

Actually, is there a way to find out who is in charge of _anything_?
Walter Bender tells me that he is out of the loop these days, but I
haven't heard who has taken over any of his responsibilities.

>  2. Need a really easy way to play music and video files including ones
>  w/ proprietary codecs. Kid finds mp3 file on the internet using browse,
>  kid double-clicks file. It should open with the activity that supports
>  that file type.
>  Use Case:
>  The kid should be able to access the same file again later from the
>  Journal and open up in the appropriate activity/player (should one be
>  loaded)
>  OLPC won't have to pre-load the proprietary codecs for this to work.
>  Leave that to deployment people like myself. just make it easy for us to
>  load them using mechanisms like the customization key.
>  Yes proprietary is bad but allowing kids to explore on their own -- an
>  essential aspect of constructionism -- is more important. We cut off
>  many avenues of exploration when we make it hard for them to access
>  content that happens to use proprietary codecs -- which is the majority
>  of interesting content on the Internet.
>  2.1 The XO needs a rock-solid media player. To me this is as essential
>  as the Journal.

Rob Savoye says that if we could provide, find, recruit...a few
developers to finish the current Gnash roadmap, we would have it. I
haven't heard anybody step up. Why?

Edward Cherlin
End Poverty at a Profit by teaching children business
"The best way to predict the future is to invent it."--Alan Kay
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