On Mon, 2008-04-28 at 10:06 -0400, Walter Bender wrote:
> I must have missed the post you refer to. It has never been the
> position of the core Sugar team--that I am aware of--to preclude the
> running of standard Linux apps. We even went so far as to hire a
> contractor to look at various ways to facilitate the running of
> standard X apps last summer---although that work was never completed
> or brought into the main branch.

Matthew Allum thinks we're best off not trying to force-fit this into
matchbox (the window manager we're currently using), having done the
experiment last summer.  He's not only the "contractor", but also the
original author of matchbox; so I think we should respect his opinion in
this matter.

We'll investigate alternative window managers, rather than flogging this
horse, which is clearly dead for our purposes. Many of the modern ones
honor full screen hints, and I've never seen Sugar's UI do much that
isn't supported one way or the other by the ICCCM/EWMH's. It may take a
bit of sugar work, but I'd be surprised it will be difficult.
                                 - Jim

Jim Gettys
One Laptop Per Child

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