On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 2:20 PM, Walter Bender <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Maybe we need to adopt the late great Walter Payton, "sweetness" as
> our official mascot.

http://www.payton34.com/ Walter and Connie Payton Foundation

We could ask the Foundation if they would be interested. Organ
donations, cancer funding, and toys for underprivileged children would
fit right into our mission. Particularly in the context of Illiniois
HB 5000, The Children's Low-Cost Laptop Act, now before the Senate. I
want a poster of two Chicago South-Side children with XOs saying, "Us
haz teh bestest toyz." With Sweetness beaming on them from above.
Although we would have to explain the concepts of leet-speak and
lolcats to a lot of the public. And the lOLPCat photo on Flickr.

"Payton's legacy continues through the charitable Walter and Connie
Payton Foundation. His own appeals for greater awareness of the need
for organ donations, and after his death, his foundation's, are widely
credited with bringing national attention to the problem.[30] After
his appeal, donations in Illinois skyrocketed, and the regional organ
bank of Illinois was overwhelmed with calls.[31] In response, the City
of Chicago inserted organ donation requests into city vehicle
registration mailings in early 2000, and by August 2000, 13,000 people
had signed into the program.[32] The foundation continues to run a
program that Payton organized to donate toys to underprivileged
children across the Chicago area each Christmas.[33] The family
established the Walter Payton Cancer Fund in 2002.[34]"

> I've posted your taxonomy here:
> http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Taxonomy
> -walter
> On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 4:14 PM, Marco Pesenti Gritti
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I think this is brilliant!
>> Marco
>> On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 9:28 PM, Frederick Grose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Nice carbohydrate lesson as well!
>>>          --Frederick Grose
>>> On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 3:08 PM, Benjamin M. Schwartz
>>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> Hash: SHA1
>>>> I think Sugar has a naming problem.  There are a lot of different digital
>>>> objects being produced by this project, and referring to all of them as
>>>> Sugar is becoming increasingly confusing.  For example, the discussion
>>>> about "Sugar on Windows" has been all but incomprehensible, because each
>>>> author means something entirely different by the term "Sugar".  Similarly,
>>>> the recent proposals for "inclusion in Sugar" are extremely confusing,
>>>> since these components will not be required to run Sugar.
>>>> To resolve this, I am going to attempt to list a number of important,
>>>> distinct digital objects that this work has produced. I will also
>>>> introduce cutesy codenames.  I hope that the Sugar developers will adopt a
>>>> clear set of distinct names, and I do not care if they choose these names
>>>> or other names.
>>>> Component: The abstract design of the interface
>>>> Codename: Sweet (the taste of sugar)
>>>> Description: "Sweet" is the abstract design of the interface's appearance
>>>> and behavior, independent of any code actually implementing this style.
>>>> The mockups at http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Designs represent this
>>>> component's second major release, or perhaps 2.0-alpha.
>>>> Component: The base Sugar environment
>>>> Codename: Glucose (the fundamental, simple sugar used by all life forms)
>>>> Description: Glucose is the minimal system that must be added to a
>>>> standard Linux distribution in order to enable Activities to run.  This
>>>> includes all the python code and graphics files that implement the shell,
>>>> as well as the Journal.  Glucose's dependencies may include xorg-server,
>>>> xulrunner, squeakvm, rainbow, etc.  Some of these dependencies may be
>>>> marked optional by distributions.  Glucose does not include any Activities
>>>> except those like the Journal that are non-optional.
>>>> Component: A set of demonstration activities
>>>> Codename: Fructose (the main sugar in fruit, which is how we're supposed
>>>> to get our sugar.)
>>>> Description: The Sugar developers will need  some example set of
>>>> activities with which to demonstrate Sugar.  This set is Fructose.  The
>>>> packages in Fructose should be selected to make the resulting environment
>>>> as impressive as possible for a potential client or user.  Packages should
>>>> therefore be stable, polished, and exercise the widest possible range of
>>>> features.  Fructose may also serve as an example for people constructing
>>>> their own Activity sets.
>>>> Component: The interface, plus a set of demonstration activities
>>>> Codename: Sucrose ("table sugar", the kind you buy in the store.  It
>>>> consists of glucose and fructose, combined.)
>>>> Description: Sucrose consists of both Glucose and Fructose.  It therefore
>>>> represents a complete example Sugar environment, ready to be installed
>>>> through a package manager.  The purpose of Sucrose is so that prospective
>>>> deployers can install the "sugar-sucrose" package, and immediately say
>>>> "Wow! Look at all the cool capabilities that this system has!".
>>>> Component: The base Linux distribution being used by Sugar
>>>> Codename: Ribose (the sugar used by all lifeforms to control their
>>>> hardware, in the form of RNA.  It's important, but not sweet.)
>>>> Description: Ribose is the set of hardware-centric software components
>>>> that have been developed throughout this project.  It includes the XO
>>>> kernels, OHM, any init-script customizations, etc.  Ribose should be
>>>> construed as including all components necessary to boot the system, enough
>>>> to install Glucose if it has not yet been installed.
>>>> Component: A complete disk image for Sugar
>>>> Codename: A starch (starch is composed of multiple sugars bonded
>>>> together.)
>>>> Description: We often distribute complete disk images for Sugar, ready to
>>>> boot.  These images are composed of multiple elements of the above stack.
>>>> ~ For example, the current Joyride images are composed of Ribose (the
>>>> non-graphical work) and Glucose (the shell) but not Fructose (the activity
>>>> package).  Each image series should be named separately, to minimize
>>>> confusion.  For cutesy codenames, we could have a development build
>>>> ("glycogen", a starch used to produce Glucose) and a stable build
>>>> ("cellulose", an extremely stable starch).
>>>> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----
>>>> Version: GnuPG v2.0.7 (GNU/Linux)
>>>> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
>>>> iD8DBQFILdvCUJT6e6HFtqQRAleBAJwP4SdcydEj65jMx+0oFUQo5O23IACfcRbA
>>>> /eEeP6Lp7k7WachUYxe3uGM=
>>>> =jvwh
>>>> -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
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Edward Cherlin
End Poverty at a Profit by teaching children business
"The best way to predict the future is to invent it."--Alan Kay
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