On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 01:33:28PM -0400, Eben Eliason wrote:
> Basically, I approve in principle everything on this list, and would
> like to see it all get in.  I've inserted a couple of minor
> comments/requests below.
> On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 5:18 PM, Martin Dengler
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I've ordered these in decreasing order of likelihood of being accepted
> > (IMO) for ease of triaging, and then have provided links to the git
> > trees (clearly I will mail the ML as usual, if I haven't but might be
> > quicker for triage).
> >
> > Features:
> >
> > - #2954 - patch Browse and Read for cursor hiding in handheld mode.
> >   Mature patch, the approach was verbally ok'ed by eben & bemasc and
> >   hasn't been shouted down by marco/tomeu recently :)
> >   
> > http://dev.laptop.org/git?p=users/mdengler/sugar-toolkit;a=commitdiff;h=bb8f54e9bfad18699386cf814ca2c592ca0d258f
> This actually applies to all python activities, right?  I've been
> wanting this for a while.

Yes, exactly, and it's less code than doing it just in Browse and

> > - #7249 - device ordering in the Frame is not fixed.  Not submitted
> >   before but quite trivial to accept/reject the design.
> >   
> > http://dev.laptop.org/git?p=users/mdengler/sugar;a=commitdiff;h=aec9692c7c3d146e512d1c873de0082b09902d7c
> How would this work in conjunction with the future ability to manually
> rearrange the device tray?

My simple patch will need to be extended to store the tray
position/placement as configurable information rather than hardcoded.
But it's so little code that even if we throw it away it's 1)
obvious what needs to be changed; and 2) trivial to remove.

>  Do we need/want the modules to declare their position at all
> anyway, or should we instead store a list (as would be needed for
> manual positioning anyway) and set the defaults indices (simple
> integer index) there?  This could be a simpler short term solution
> until we have a truly modular (a la control panel) device system.

That's better, but as I didn't know how the control panel information
was stored and "best practices" / "future goals" I thought at least
I'd have proposed a straw man that people could drop on the floor or
use in the interim.

> > - #6995 - Add a mesh device to frame, remove mesh icons from
> >   Neighbourhood/Mesh view.  This might take some time to stabilize as
> >   it's non-trivial to really test, but eben seems keen on the
> >   functionality and want it in. No patch yet (but can get a flavor of
> >   the UI from the commits mentioned below).
> >   http://dev.laptop.org/git?p=users/mdengler/sugar;a=shortlog;h=mesh-icon
> >   
> > http://dev.laptop.org/git?p=users/mdengler/sugar;a=commitdiff;h=0580693dbc857c2c09a22cc717c69a02c85ec1fb
> >   
> > http://dev.laptop.org/git?p=users/mdengler/sugar;a=commitdiff;h=abe8cb96ad18ee894d5930bed0a4f7079ea9201b
> I know you've been working toward the mockups, which is all I can
> really ask for right now.  I think that the "connected to a school
> mesh portal" string would work better as the secondary text of the
> primary palette, instead of a separate section.  I'd prefer
> simplifying the language: how about "simple mesh", "school mesh", and
> "" (no secondary label) for the three states (the third being that
> there is no mesh/turned off)?

No problem!

> Also, make sure that the mesh devices get removed completely from
> Neighborhood view!

Yup, that's the easy part, done in this earlier commit:

> > - #2651 - Add an option to the journal for duplicating an entry.  Old
> >   patch but without feedback.
> >   
> > https://dev.laptop.org/attachment/ticket/2651/2651-0001-Add-Duplicate-this-entry-to-the-Copy-icon-s-palett.patch
> I like the idea.  Let's simplify the language to just "Duplicate
> entry" (or even just "Duplicate"?) instead.


> >> Also, please remind to the list any bug fixes already with code
> >> waiting to get in after the feature freeze.
> Clearly all the bug fixes should make it in!


> - Eben


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