
Is it possible for Sugar users to have an extensible profile? Currently, 
this only encompasses nickname and colors, but are there plans to extend 
this somehow?

I propose using a dictionary to represent an extensible list of 
key/value pairs, some of which will be mandatory, like nickname, colors, 
key (countries may want to enforce other mandatory fields, like grade, 
class etc). This dictionary would be loaded from storage on boot and 
saved on every change.

As a result, the control panel would be extended to accomodate a table 
so that users can append more info about themselves. Not to mention that 
all profiles should be shared and locally indexed on each XO to look for 
specific users.



Polychronis Ypodimatopoulos
Graduate student
Viral Communications
MIT Media Lab
Tel: +1 (617) 459-6058

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