On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 3:14 AM, Martin Langhoff
> Michael's analysis is useful inasmuch we can read it going forward. As
> Michael, I wasn't here 2 years ago, but I have been on the ground on
> many projects under tight deadlines. It's not helpful to pontificate
> on the decisions I may have made in them. Hindsight is always 20/20.
> So let's focus on the bits of Michael's notes that can be transformed
> into praxis going forward -- and let's be thankful that none of the
> under-pressure decisions have really painted us into a corner (of the
> "rewrite" kind).
> Revisionism will have to wait till I get that time-travel machine
> project finished.

Sure. The thing is that I'm unconvinced that we can really say that
the under-pressure phase is over.

More specifically. Can we declare the end of UI experimentation and
redesign? Can we start pushing back on features until we are ready to
implement them properly? Can we devote the next release cycle to bug
fixing, polishing and performance improvements?

My opinion is that we should do it, but I don't have the feeling that
we have consensus about it.

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