I'm not sure if this has been mentioned, but there is a uk source for
over 200 physics experiments offered by the virtual physics lab. These
experiments work quite well through wine and are geared towards
students from 13 up. I have used them on a linux only network without
any issues for several years... There are some free samples on the
website, but I'm sure that if someone contacts them and talks about
the olpc project, they'd be happy to share more of them for free...

website: http://ccgi.colpus.plus.com/vplabd/?q=node/16

Kind Regards,
David Van Assche,
OLE Nepal

On Fri, Aug 8, 2008 at 4:00 AM, Yoshiki Ohshima <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Etoys comes with a physics game and a few physics related
> examples.
> -- Yoshiki
> At Wed, 06 Aug 2008 21:33:33 -0500,
> Robert Myers wrote:
>> ILXO is sponsoring a game jam this weekend. I'm going to talk about
>> Physics games on the XO.
>> Here's what I'm familiar with:
>> Asteroids (and what I've done to it)
>> X2o
>> Space Tag
>> Physics-0.2
>> Bounce (hey, it bounces and has gravity)
>> Related stuff:
>> Upcoming Jam in Cambridge
>> Wiki discussions of various 2D physics engines
>> Is there anything I'm missing? Is anyone hiding a project in their garage?
>> Thanks,
>> Bob
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