On Mon, 2008-08-11 at 18:12 -0400, Eben Eliason wrote:
> I'm sure that what you are seeing results from the fact that the
> Journal defers updating itself until its window is shown, to prevent
> needless updates from occurring in the background and taking extra CPU
> cycles.  It's unfortunate that the single update that occurs when the
> Journal is focused has so much latency...this should really be
> happening so quickly as to be unnoticeable.

Perhaps we could implement something like this:
 - when journal is inactive (the user switches to another activity), 
   the widget that lists all the journal entries is hidden
 - when the journal is activated again, the existing code will update
   the list of journal entries (even though it's hidden)
 - when the update is complete, we show the widget again

This would result in the journal being blank for a short period of time
but would avoid the visual flip effect. Maybe that would help?


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