On Thu, 2008-08-14 at 23:08 +0200, Marco Pesenti Gritti wrote:
> Hello,
> I started working on the goals for 0.84 in the wiki:
> http://sugarlabs.org/go/ReleaseTeam/Roadmap/0.84#Goals
> Here is what I have so far.
> * Next generation journal
> * File sharing
> * Collaboration scalability
> * Responsive UI
> * Stable activities API
> * Official Sugar LiveCD

I think that we can leave this goal to the distributions.  They are much
better at packaging, rolling, spinning, and distributing cds then we

> * Compatibility with desktop applications
> * Quality and reliability
> Each of them points to a separate page in the wiki. I'll be working on 
> several of these pages in the next weeks, writing down requirements, 
> designs and thoughts about resourcing. Help wanted!

Thanks for getting this going.

> As you can see the scope is very large. The plan is to narrow down each 
> item to more concrete action items and then probably punt some of the 
> high level goals. But I really want to get a bunch of stuff done this 
> cycle!!!

The credibility and confidence we can gain from a successfully release
will do wonders for our collective moral. 


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