On Wed, 20 Aug 2008, David Farning wrote:

> On Tue, 2008-08-19 at 21:29 -0500, Bill Gatliff wrote:
>> David Farning wrote:
>>> It has been a bit of a plug but it looks like we have reach critical
>>> mass for a self sustaining embedded Sugar community.
>> I love the idea of getting a critical mass around something, but I don't yet
>> "get it" regarding Sugar for embedded work.
> <snipped>
>> So, sell Sugar to me!
> I am sorry if I have in any way misrepresented myself.  I am not
> interested in selling Sugar.

Then let me give it a try.  :)

The most interesting initial design goal of Sugar, to me, could be 
encapsulated in three words:

Sharing By Default.

A desktop that allows you to see all of your friends?  Interact with them 
in real-time in any activity you wanted, be it music, drawing, 
storytelling, games, programming?  That, to me, was a compelling idea.

Sugar is still a-ways away from achieving that vision.  But from where I 
sit, Sugar is the only project that is actively pursuing it.

When the metaphor for interacting with your environment changes, the 
thinking changes right along with it.  Sugar, done right, puts sharing 
with other people right dead in the middle of the computing experience. 
That's what makes it compelling to me.

Some people agree with that vision.  Some people don't.  My goal is to 
energize and empower that first group.  :)

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