[for the interested but impatient:
http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/2866 ]

On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 02:19:02PM +0200, Marco Pesenti Gritti wrote:
> we have a couple of patches that should be ready to be reviewed by
> tomorrow, which solves several issues with the UI of network
> devices.

I've submitted the patches for:

> #6944 UI confuses which AP you are connected to
> #3993 The color of network icon in Home view becomes white after
>       restarting Sugar.
> #2866 Network Manager GUI doesn't report success or failure

...which (the patches' content) you summarised as:

> 1 Adds "IP address" to the mesh & wireless palettes, with associated
> changes to their model classes.
> 3 Makes both frame icons pulse.
> 5 Fix some iconsistency in the icon states by cleaning up the code.

...because of the general agreement with:

> * [land 1 and 5] for 8.2.0 (before Friday)

This UI now looks like:


Any feedback welcome.

(I haven't screenshotted the mesh icon because I'm hoping a new
firmware will be out soon and I can test by rolling forward to a new
joyride, rather than having to roll back to an old one)

> Thanks,
> Marco


PS: I wish we could risk some regressions as the full UI Eben
wanted[1] will not be realized (Eben/Bert have already articulated
reasons for wanting that), and I would like to run a patch for that by
you / into joyride just in case you may have occasion to change your

1. Something like: 


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