Op 22 aug 2008, om 02:29 heeft David Farning het volgende geschreven:

Welcome to the Sugar on the BeagleBoard project. It seems that we have
all of the pieces in place to do a port.

First, some background.

The initial port will be getting Sugar[1] to run on the Beagleboard[2]
using the Open Embedded[3] toolkit.

The basics (sugar, sugar-base, sugar-toolkit, sugar-presence-services and sugar-artwork) are now running on the beagleboard:


To build it using OE: 'bitbake sugar'
To install it in angstrom*: 'opkg install sugar'

The Glucose pack is missing sugar-datastore (needs a lot of python modules that aren't in OE yet), etoys (haven't looked at that yet) and journal (haven't looked at that either).
The Fructose pack is completely missing in OE.

The remaining tasks for people wanting to work on this are:

1) add OE recipes for needed python-modules
2) add OE recipes for remaining Glucose items
3) add OE recipes for Fructose items
4) build it
5) install resulting packages and run them, see them crash due to missing python modules, goto 1
6) make screenshots :)



* only has armv7a packages at the moment

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