To all interested:

I've uploaded a working demo of the algorithm, with source code:

The instructions are listed beneath the applet (sorry, Java
required...); you'll have to click on the applet to focus it for
keyboard input.  You're also welcome to modify the source in any way
and post new versions of the demo representing new algorithms.  You'll
need to download Processing (, an environment
built on top of Java for programming 2D and 3D visualizations, in
order to modify the demo.

I look forward to comments on the behavior of the current algorithm,
and faster and/or more accurate algorithms as well!

- Eben

On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 4:42 PM, Eben Eliason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Renewed interest in improving the layout algorithm (for use in the
> non-activity zoom levels) has prompted me to create a document
> summarizing the goals of the layout, the current approach, and a few
> alternate approaches for consideration.  My primary goal was to
> specify the requirements we wish to evaluate the possible approaches
> against, and to clarify my (potentially naive) first attempt at
> satisfying them.  My hope is that others will see obvious ways to
> improve the current approach, or have much better solutions they can
> put forward (preferably in code!).
> Please see the attached document for details.  Thanks!
> - Eben
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