On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 3:31 AM, Marco Pesenti Gritti
> 3 If I disable the palette completely I still get some leaking. I'm
> using a script that continuously create and destroy 10  buddies. Here
> is typical relative memory consumption reported by guppy (running it
> in a loop of 5 seconds). Note that I completely disabled the sugar
> shell model and view before taking this data.

The problem with this approach is that you may be taking an snapshot
of the heap when the buddies are still shown, so guppy will print some
references that are not leaks, just objects that are in memory because
are actually being used.

What I use to check for leaks is to add similar code to a key binding
in keyhandler.py, so I can take a reference point, create _and
destroy_ some buddies, and then print the heap since the last
reference point. Note that even then it shouldn't print an empty heap,
the instances that are being used in the executing code (print of the
heap) will be displayed.

I'm going to check again and will report here later.


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