We can file bugs on these issues prior to pushing composite into a
build.  Please file a ticket and add the tag 'composite', and describe
the test setup.

On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 11:27:59PM +0100, Eduardo H. Silva wrote:
> Just to follow-up with trying it, while at first the feeling of using
> composition was of a more responsive system, I did see performance
> degrade as I launched more activities and used it more. The saving
> grace was that there never was any ugly visual redraws (other than
> when a new activity is launching).

How many activities could you comfortably run?

> Plus, there are a few bugs, like new activities launched after
> composition is turned on show their text in a smaller size (like in
> Browses address bar, and in its Back button palette).

Strange, I haven't noticed this.  Please file a ticket with a test case
to demonstrate.

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