On 29 Sep 2008, at 09:41, Marco Pesenti Gritti wrote:

> On Mon, Sep 29, 2008 at 5:58 AM, Gary C Martin  
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> 1) I used the "./setup dev" to try the syn link for testing, for a
>> while, but found it a risky approach. Several times the Sugar UI
>> wouldn't allow me to erase said Activity (no errors, just the  
>> activity
>> icon never went), at least once the UI wiped out all my source, and
>> the rest of the time the UI correctly removed just the sym link . I
>> just sugar-install-bundle now, it's safer :-)
> Ouch, we should fix that. Can you open a ticket please?

OK, will retrace my steps and file.

> The advantage of dev is that changes "autoapply". Obviously stuff like
> the locale is not autogenerated, but it still it seem to be an useful
> option.

Is 'autoapply' a git thing?

>> 2) I'm a git beginner, so "./setup release" has done 'wierd' things
>> given my current level of understanding. Apart from failing early due
>> to git, as I seem not to have told it correctly what branch I want to
>> merge from, even though I only have master so far and have nothing to
>> merge anyway (why is it doing a pull?). It 'kindly' auto created me  
>> an
>> unstable branch (which took me a while to realise and remove). So I'm
>> back to a manual workflow.
> Weird I'm not sure how release would create a branch. How was the  
> branch named?

Before trying './setup release', 'git branch' listed just 'master'.  
After, it then started listing 'master' and  'unstable', and it had  
moved me to the 'unstable' branch (i.e. had a * next to unstable).  
Luckily I'd only made small code tweaks and not committed anything  
before I noticed, so I just killed the unstable branch and went  
through a commit, push cycle, then elsewhere, cloned and re-checked  
nothing had been borked.

> But yeah, release needs love, it has been sort of abandoned for a
> while. It's one of the things I plan to do before the first 0.83
> release.

OK, understood. Will keep avoiding for now :-)

>> It is nice that "./setup.py" on it's own gives some hints:
>> But the help goes no deeper, so it's just been trial and error from
>> here on :-)
>> Is there any more documentation/cheat-sheet hiding somewhere on this
>> other than grokking the source code?
> Nope :( This is one of the pieces of documentation that we really need
> to write. A ticket to remind about it would be great.

OK done, #8713.

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