I'd really like to be at the Sugar planning meeting, so the 18th is
not my first choice. Why not do the hackfest on Tuesday and split the
technical talks between Monday and Wednesday?

I'll see if there is a conference room available at MIT.


On Tue, Nov 4, 2008 at 3:09 PM, Marco Pesenti Gritti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> we met to discuss schedule and scope of the meeting today. Tomeu,
> Marco, Scott, Mel, Michael, Samuel was present.
> == Schedule ==
> We came up with two possible schedules, we haven't made a call about
> which one to go for yet.
> 1)
> Monday 17 - Hackfest. Mel: might be a good time to do a "so, coders in
> Boston, you've wanted to learn how to help out with our code base,
> right?" intro night.
> Tuesday 18
> Wednesday 19 - Technical talks.
> Thursday 20 - Technical planning. Scott: I want to leave saying
> something like: "9.1 is going to have a new journal (implemented by
> cscott), improved security (implemented by mstone).  Secondary
> objectives, if we have time or find additional help, will be better
> networking (cscott), better tools (mstone)".
> Friday 21
> Saturday 22 - Sugar Labs planning. Build community, partnership, strategy.
> 2)
> Monday 17 - Hackfest
> Tuesday 18 - Sugar Labs planning
> Wednesday 19 - Technical talks
> Thursday 20 - Technical talks
> Friday 21 - Technical planning
> Saturday 22 - Sugar Labs planning.
> The problem with 1) is the 18 is likely going to be a busy day for
> OLPC employees. On the other hand, Walter is not in town Tuesday.
> Walter, David, since you was not in the meeting, how do you feel about
> it?
> == Actions ==
> * Turn the list of call in the wiki in a proper schedule for the two
> days of technical talks. (Scott)
> * Contact donors to see if they are willing to move their funding
> offers to the Sugar conference. (Scott)
> * Coordinate Walter to figure out which rooms we are using for the
> talks. (Samuel)
> * Contact people that offered housing to see if the offer is valid for
> the Sugar conference. (Marco)
> Please keep everyone informed on your progress.
> Thanks,
> Marco

Walter Bender
Sugar Labs
Sugar mailing list

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