I'd really want us to discuss matters related to Teacher Training.  I 
have signed up as "speaker", but actually I am sure there are many 
others who know more about what works in that field, and what doesn't, 
and it would be good to document that.   I can at least offer some 
questions...   Michael's Uruguay would be related?  Greg D's Marketing 
also fits under the general concept of dealing with wetware.

Also, internationalization and such issues is a big interest for me, so 
I definitely would want that matter to get its time.

Content is something I am also pursuing, now through OLE.org, I will be 
meeting with them while in Boston.  Ed Cherlin had something on 
textbooks  I also would want to learn more about content delivery and 
e-learning platforms, something that has been raising much interest in Sur.

I will be in town form the evening of the 15th to the afternoon of the 
20th, and except the 17th when I have  a meeting with OLE that has not a 
time set yet, I would enjoy all opportunities to get to meet y'all, 
learn more about what's going on, network, and such.


C. Scott Ananian wrote:
> In the interest of trying to make room for the unexpected around the
> Nov 17 G1G1 launch, I've tried to compress most of the technical talks
> into a single day, Wed. Nov 19.  There will be plenty of flex time
> during the rest of the week to get to topics not covered, delve in
> depth, or try to hack out some prototypes.
> I've identified four "big issues" in the list of
> http://sugarlabs.org/go/Sugarcamp#Proposals -- ideas that have more
> than one speaker willing to address them -- and assigned them an hour
> each.  The rest of the time I've grouped by person, assigning each
> person 30 minutes (I recommend 20 for talk, 10 for questions).  I will
> leave it to the individual person whether they will chose to present a
> single one of their proposals in that time, compress all of their
> proposals to fit, or deed some of their time to some other proposal
> quite deserves more.  I encourage those who will be present to lobby
> your favorite speakers to ensure that your favorite topic will be
> addressed.  Refer to [[Sugarcamp#Proposals]] for details on the talks
> each person listed below has proposed.
> Wednesday:
>   10am:  Desktop "legacy" compatibility.  (Marco, C. Scott, possibly
> Saymindu by phone?)
>   11am: Eben Eliason / Ed Cherlin.
>   12pm - 2pm: lunch.
>    2pm: Community.  (Mel Chua / Greg DeK)
>    3pm: Martin Langhoff / Chris Ball
>    4pm: Internationalization (Marco, C. Scott, possibly Saymindu by
> phone and/or cjb on language learning)
>    5pm - 7pm: dinner.
>    7pm:  Marco / Michael Stone
>    8pm: C. Scott / Tomeu
>    9pm: Infrastructure (Bernie, Michael Stone)
> There are so many excellent talks that were proposed.  I hope that
> this schedule, although compressed, encourages us to take the time to
> make our talks short ("Je n'ai fait celle-ci plus longue que parce que
> je n'ai pas eu le loisir de la faire plus courte.", Blaise Pascal,
> http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Pascal).  There is time during the rest
> of the week to expand on our points and give the talks that don't fit
> on Wednesday.  (Also, I hope we use the lunch and dinner time for good
> networking, discussion, and beer.)
> Does this schedule seem reasonable to others?  (Esp. those I've
> pencilled in for talks?)  If you are going to be in town, made a 9.1
> proposal (or forgot to), and aren't listed above, let me know.
>  --scott
> ps. I apologize for the late planning on this; things have been pretty crazy.
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