I suggest you approach Chuck Kane at OLPC directly. If for some reason
he cannot accommodate the request, then we should discuss alternative
means to deploy Sugar.


On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 5:32 PM, Yamandu Ploskonka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> (from Werner Westermann, [EMAIL PROTECTED] )
> Best regards from Santiago, Chile.
> In May of this year, we had exciting news where the ICT-Schools program of the
> Department of Education, Enlaces (http://www.enlaces.cl), asked Educalibre
> (http://www.educalibre.cl/) to propose a OLPC deployment project. Enlaces 
> previously met
> with a OLPC and Brightstar representatives asuring a total of 1000 XOs. We 
> went on to
> develop the proposal and negociate where to deploy the iniciative (Enlaces 
> required us
> to engage rural areas, outside of the Metropolitan Area, among others):
> http://wiki.educalibre.cl/index.php/Propuesta_OLPC_Chile
> Unfortunately, as you can see, the proposal was frustrated, because as 
> Brightstar
> distributor and partner of the OLPC Foundation, argued that it would not be 
> possible for
> the Chilean State to purchase only 1,000 XOs, but would consider a minimum of 
> 10,000 XO.
> Faced with this sudden change of turn and the impossibility of buying that 
> quantity
> off-budget, Enlaces decided to discard the possibility that the XO came into 
> the hands
> of our children.
> Seeing pilots open in Latin America (Paraguay, Colombia, Nicaragua) promoted 
> by NGOs or
> other non-profit institutions, we are once again dreaming of implementing an 
> OLPC pilot
> in Chile. Educalibre has been formalized as an NGO Corporation and also has 
> the support
> of other NGOs that relate to free culture (http://www.derechosdigitales.org/) 
> and
> pedagogical universities (http://www.ucsh.cl/). We have certainty of being 
> able to
> gather the financial and human resources to successfully depploy OLPC in 
> Chile.
> How and through what channel we can raise a formal proposal to deploy OLPC in 
> Chile?
> To whom can we turn for this possibility?
> With harmless envy, we watch (and also colaborate) how OLPC can be a real 
> strategy to
> transform education, teaching, and especially, children's learning. From here 
> we want to
> join and contribute in that process. I look forward to your contact.
> Best regards,
> Werner Westermann JuƔrez
> ONG CorporaciĆ³n Educalibre
> http://www.educalibre.cl
> (+562) 632 3660
> (+5609) 7 805 7501
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