On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 5:00 PM, Sayamindu Dasgupta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> To properly support BIDI, and to make things easier for activity
> developers in the long run, I think it may be a good idea to support
> stock items in Sugar. We should ideally support the standard GTK
> stock-items as well as a few Sugar specific ones in
> sugar.graphics.icon.Icon and sugar.graphics.icon.CanvasIcon to begin
> with. Are there any other specific widgets which should support this ?
> Once pixbuf support is in Icon and CanvasIcon, it looks like
> gtk.widget.render_icon() would help us implement the rest of the
> puzzle (I have some proof of concept code in my system, which seems to
> work). Does this sound like the right way, or is there anything better
> ?

Any reason to not use gtk.Image directly? Does our own icon subclass
buy us anything here?

> Also, what would be the best way forward to register new stock-icons
> as Sugar starts up ? GTK seems to do it via GtkIconFactory and
> friends. If we do that, what would be the entry point for us to
> register the stock-items ?

Are you thinking about activities or sugar?

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