>> Over the next several months and years a set
>> of best pratices, adjusted for cultural differences, will develop.
>Yama calls community building  an "art", precisely because it doesn't seem
> to fit into "how-to" manual models.  Maybe people who get communities
> running don't read manuals, don't write manuals?  different skill sets?  Or
> maybe it is a good thing, that because communities are organic things they
> can be dealt with only by organic things, not by something inherently dead,
> as a manual?

I must agree "art" is more than "best practices". Still there are
several kinds of voluntary organizations, take Debian for instance. It
has a Constitution and a Social Contract (our equivalent: Governance
and Principles).

So we should now agree on Principles and Goals.
Those are pretty clear in http://sugarlabs.org/go/Sugar_Labs

Look under Identity.
Clear mission: is pretty clear.
Affinities and aversions: For instance, i believe we should take a
position of at the very least ethically recommending against
propietary software and rejecting Windows on the XO. In a way Walter
already does this in person. ;-)
Our position regarding OLPC's goals and mission should also be clear
(why sugarlabs exists - the very name of this mailing list "its an
education project").
So our educational position (affinties / aversions) should also appear
here (constructivist learning, self learning, community learning,
critical thinking).
Explicit connections outside: I guess we're working them out now...
Perhaps some day we'll have an API for this ;-)

Sebastian Silva
Iniciativa FuenteLibre
Sugar mailing list

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