
> > Hi Michael,
> >
> > I stand by what I said, if you do not have the time to run "sa-update",
> > there is no sense in stating that "it is not true". Would someone (other
> > than me):-) that has an installed spamassassin 3.2.5-1.el5.rf please run
> > sa-update, and corroborate wether or not a set of rules gets placed in
> > folder "/var/lib/spamassassin/<version>"
> >
> > In reply to your second statement, I am fully aware that SARE has been
> > deprecated, but it is not a wildly known fact!. Plenty of proofs of this
> > can be easily found by googling around using keywords "spamassassin how to
> > OR guide", and verify how widely "rules-dujour" installation is
> > recommended, even in very recent installation guides.
> >
> > Besides none of these problems that are causing so much confussion would
> > be around if rf's apmassassins rpm was not bundled with these rules.  Much
> > less locating them in an non-standard folder such as
> > "/usr/share/spamassassin", instead of using one of the default
> > directories". Again, I stand by my reasonings.
> >
> > Please see:
> > http://wiki.apache.org/spamassassin/WhereDoLocalSettingsGo
> > http://wiki.apache.org/spamassassin/RuleUpdates
> >
> > At least you have to agree, that wether users are aware or not of the of
> > the deprecated SARE rules, it is not evident to them that a bundled set of
> > rules was installed with the the package. This is not customary prcatice,
> > unless you somehow added information to the package name that will let the
> > user know this.
> >
> > You have to expect that users will start adding their own sets of rules to
> > "/etc/mail/spamassassin" totally oblivious to the fact there might be a
> > set of duplicate rules on other directory in their system.
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Ignacio
> >   
> Guys? Please list the specific versions of the SpamAssassin RPM's 
> that you're using, to help out anyone who wants to test this themselves.

I always use the latest spamassassin from rpmforge:


> If SARE rules are this deprecated, but only known about on the 
> mailing lists, then the Wiki's should be updated about this and the 
> rulesdujour tool eliminated from the RPM or at least disabled. 
> Right? 

Not really no. Not everyone is using the latest SA and/or sa-update to update
their rules. For those people that won't/can't upgrade their SA version, then
rulesdujour is still valid for them.

My guess is that when those admins eventually do upgrade and then wonder why
things don't work just right, they ask in the SARE mailing list and get told
to not use rulesdujour but instead use sa-update.


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