> Am Mittwoch, den 03.02.2010, 14:04 +0100 schrieb Nico Kadel-Garcia:
>> Would it be possible to put copies of the subversion.i386 and
>> subversion-devel.i386 packages in the x86_64 repositories? The issue
>> is that, with "yum", if you say "yum install subversion" on RHEL 4 and
>> 5, it detects the built-in RHEL version of the ancient 1.4.2 , i386
>> version of these packages and tries to install them in parallel with
>> the new, RPMforge publiched 1.6.6 x86_64 versions. And this way lies
>> cleanup madness.
>> Installing the i386 and x86_64 versions together seems to work fine,
>> as it does for RHEL packages.
> IMHO you should exclude packages from the base repos if you want to
> override them from 3rd party repos. That way it also works correct with
> protectbase or priorities plugin.
> Chris

Chris, that can get *really* nasty. The problem is partly that for
registered RHEL clients, they use what is basically up2date in
grandma's clothing as part of the yum-rhn-plugin utility that
downloads RPM's from RedHat Network. This has no Yum .repo file: you
wind up having to edit yum.conf and exclude the alternative versions
of the packages *entirely*, but only on the x86_64 platforms. That
means you can't use the same yum.conf on i386 and x86_64, and it can
become awkward to support. I'm convinced that graceful 3rdparty
repositories like RPMforge should avoid having to tweak *other* system
files to operate correctly, especially when the solution is simply to
follow RHEL's example and make the i386 package available in the
x86_64 repository.

For environments like JPackage, where the new package's format is
.noarch instead of .i386 or .x86_64, blocking them in yum is more
necessary. But here, the solution from the repository side is easier
for most users.

I've been running it this last week on an RHEL 5 box, and having them
both installed is harmless. "rpm -V" does report some discrepancies in
checksums of some of the documentation files (due to the slightly
separate compilation processes, I think), and altered timestamps on
other documentation files. But I see no other issues with it.
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