David Hrbáč wrote:
Commit might be fast, but when the package is going to be released no
one knows. Dag might know. :o)

That's just fine. I want to make sure that during release preparations various packaging systems get their updated stuff (and i don't forget things).

Those users not being able to wait still can use the provided icinga.spec file within the tarball and create their own packages ;) I've applied your patch against icinga git master and r1.4 already, so it will be in the release tarball.

Kind regards,

DI (FH) Michael Friedrich

Vienna University Computer Center
Universitaetsstrasse 7 A-1010 Vienna, Austria

email:  michael.friedr...@univie.ac.at
phone:  +43 1 4277 14359
mobile: +43 664 60277 14359
fax:    +43 1 4277 14338
web:    http://www.univie.ac.at/zid

Icinga Core&  IDOUtils Developer

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