Dear friends and users,
we are happy to announce the release of SUMO version 1.2.0.
The download links are at
This release brings a brand new Netedit mode to edit vehicles,
trips and flows! We are looking forward to your feedback to shape further
development of this feature.
This release also contains many improvements for intermodal simulation in regard
to dynamics, visualization and data output.

There are many more new features and fixes in this release and the most important ones are listed below. For a full list of changes, as always see

We're looking forward to meeting you soon at the SUMO user conference (

- Added new mode to create and edit traffic demand (vehicles, trips, flows,
  vTypes, routes, stops)
- Major improvement in rendering speed

- added new input element <personFlow>
- improvements to parkingArea simulation (cooperation, adapting riding person plans) - edgeData-output now supports attribute detectPersons="walk" which can be used to record pedestrian traffic instead of vehicular traffic. - Person rides now allow the special value 'ANY' for the 'lines' attribute. When this is set, persons may enter any vehicle that will stop at the destination 'busStop' of the ride. - Added controllability of reaction time (actionStepLength) to DriverState Model. - various railway simulation improvements (reversing direction, signal operation,
- Traffic light phases now support the optional attribute 'name'. This attribute can be set and retrieved via TraCI and makes it easier to establish the correspondence between phase indexing in SUMO and phase descriptions used by other traffic engineering methods - improved default parameters for simulation routing to avoid biases from traffic light cycles

- Major improvement in rendering speed
- Can now load edge-data for visualization of arbitrary attributes with time-varying edge colors
- Improvement to visualization of riding and waiting persons
- Can now locate objects by their name (streetname or generic parameter key="name"). - Vehicles with guiShape 'truck/trailer' and 'truck/semitrailer' now bend when cornering.

- Improved junction joining heuristic to prevent superfluous joins.
- OpenDRIVE Road_Objects can now be imported and also written to OpenDRIVE
- Various improvements to the generation of traffic light plans.

- Added option --write-trips.geo to write trips with attributes 'fromLonLat, toLonLat' instead of 'from' and 'to' - Reading trips with attributes 'fromLonLat, toLonLat, fromXY, toXY, viaLonLat, viaXY' is now supported. - Added option --weights.random-factor to randomize routing results with bounded
  deviation from optimality (vehicles and persons).

- The option --help now supports filtering by topic (e.g. '--help input')
- Added Tutorial for Manhattan Mobility

- Various model fixes that were causing emergency deceleration
- Various fixes to routing (vehicular and intermodal)
- Various fixed for actuated TLS
- Various fixes to railway simulation
- fixed crashes when calling moveToXY
- Various TraaS fixes (regressions from 1.0)
- restored python3 support for (regression in 1.1.0)
- Joining junctions now preserves the prior connection topology.
- Many fixes to and to applying netdiff-generated patches

Have fun with the new release,
Yun-Pang, Laura, Leo, Pablo, Jakob, Robert, Melanie, Johannes, Matthias and Michael
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