Hello sumo people, Hello Jakob,

I have a question about the subscription, of the traci.constant 
"DISTANCE_REQUEST". I want to take the distance between Ego and every traffic 
around the EGO-Vehicle. I tried to do that in one step using "SubcribeContext".
Here is the command that I used: "traci.vehicle.subscribeContext('EGO', 
But I think that the constant "DISTANCE_REQUEST", need to have two parameter. 
The vehicles-ids of the two cars. In order to get the distance between this two 
vehicles. I think it's why I'm getting "None" as Output of this assertion.
My question is to know it's someway to get this relative distance of traffic 
around the ego vehicle to the ego vehicle itself in one step? Or should I do 
that in two steps:
The first one gets the vehicle Id around the ego vehicle
The second one use the function getdistance2d (ego,traffic), to have the 
distance between Ego the surrounding vehicle.


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