Please attach the scenario files (zipped).

Am Mi., 16. Dez. 2020 um 11:33 Uhr schrieb 櫻井寛太 <>:

> Dear Sumo Users
>  I have an electric car set up like this.
> <vType id="type1" accel="1.0" decel="1.0" lenght="12" maxSpeed="100.0"
> sigma="0.0" minGap="2.5" color="1,1,1">
>         <param key="has.battery.device" value="true"/>
>         <param key="maximumBatteryCapacity" value="2000"/>
>         <param key="maximumPower" value="1000"/>
>         <param key="vehicleMass" value="10000"/>
>         <param key="frontSurfaceArea" value="5"/>
>         <param key="airDragCoefficient" value="0.6"/>
>         <param key="internalMomentOfInertia" value="0.01"/>
>         <param key="radialDragCoefficient" value="0.5"/>
>         <param key="rollDragCoefficient" value="0.01"/>
>         <param key="constantPowerIntake" value="100"/>
>         <param key="propulsionEfficiency" value="0.9"/>
>         <param key="recuperationEfficiency" value="0"/>
>         <param key="stoppingTreshold" value="0.1"/>
>     </vType>
> Similarly I have a Charging Stations set up like this.
> <chargingStation id="chargingStation_1_0_0"  chargeInTransit="0"
> power="200000" efficiency="0.95" lane="1_0" startPos="500.42"
> endPos="510.42"/>
> </additional>
> Hower when the vehicle is in movement and is not charging the output
> shows energyConsumed= "-0.00".
> as shown below
> <vehicle id="100" energyConsumed="-0.00"
> actualBatteryCapacity="128.80" maximumBatteryCapacity="2000.00"
> chargingStationId="NULL" energyCharged="0.00"
> energyChargedInTransit="0.00" energyChargedStopped="0.00"
> speed="17.97" acceleration="-1.00" x="682.05" y="1504.22" lane="1_0"
> posOnLane="357.95" timeStopped="0"/>
>  In addition, when the vehicle is in a charging station it appears
> that energy has been consumed "0.03" and the energy charged is "0.00"
> as shown below
>         <vehicle id="100" energyConsumed="0.03"
> actualBatteryCapacity="128.56" maximumBatteryCapacity="2000.00"
> chargingStationId="chargingStation_1_0_0" energyCharged="0.00"
> energyChargedInTransit="0.00" energyChargedStopped="0.00" speed="0.00"
> acceleration="0.00" x="667.57" y="1656.00" lane="1_0"
> posOnLane="510.42" timeStopped="9"/>
> Why does this happen?
> Am I setting something wrong?
> I would appreciate any help with this matter.
> Sincerely,Kanta Sakurai.
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