there is no notion of a ghost vehicle in SUMO. You could use state-saving
and loading to roll back the simulation after testing a path though:
Note, that you are trying to predict the future cost of a route which is
inherently difficult and somewhat random.
The rerouting device in sumo tackles the same problem with different forms
of averaging and you can access this data via traci as well:

Am Mi., 13. Jan. 2021 um 17:02 Uhr schrieb Theo <caban...@google.com>:

> Hi,
> I am interested in comparing cost of different available paths for one
> vehicle.
> Currently, my approach is to compute the cost of one path as the sum of the
> edge cost over the edges that are used by the path. However, I have seen a
> important difference between the cost of one path and the sum of the edge
> cost over the edges that are used by the path. Also edge cost are defined
> using averaging over vehicles that travel along the edge given a time
> interval. I have seen the size of the time interval used impacts the edge
> cost. On the other hand, path cost can be given by "probe vehicle".
> I was thinking about comparing path cost of different available paths by
> sending probe vehicle on each path and getting the experienced path cost of
> the vehicles. However, this approach will increase the total number of cars
> in the network and therefore change the traffic condition.
> I wonder if there is a way to send "ghost probe vehicle" on each path;
> meaning vehicle that have no impact on traffic (and could be crossed over
> by
> "real vehicle") .
> Is this possible? Is there a notion of "ghost probe vehicle" inside SUMO?
> If
> no, is there any tips to get could path-based statistics without edge-based
> statistics?
> Thank you a lot!
> --
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