
I tried to implement 'simpla' to create platoon using the following simpla
configuration file and route file:
    <vehicleSelectors value="automated"/>
    <vTypeMap original="orig_automated" leader="leader_automated"
follower="follower_automated" />
    <platoonSplitTime value="3.0"/>
    <maxPlatoonGap vaule="5.0"/>
    <catchupDist value="25"/>
    <speedFactor original="1.0" leader="1.0" follower="1.2" />
    <switchImpatienceFactor value="0.5"/>
    <controlRate value="1.0"/>
    <platoonSplitTime value="2.0"/>

    <vType id="automated" minGap="1.00" accel="2.6" decel="4.5" sigma="0.5"
length="5" maxSpeed="60" color="white"/>
    <vType id="orig_automated" color="white"/>
    <vType id="leader_automated" color="red"/>
    <vType id="follower_automated" color="black"/>

    <route id="east_west" edges="A1B1 B1C1" color="yellow"/>
    <route id="south_north" edges="B0B1 B1B2" color="yellow"/>

    <flow id="flow_0" type="automated" begin="0.00" route="east_west"
    <flow id="flow_1" type="automated" begin="0.00" route="south_north"

However, I am facing this issue while loading "simpla" configuration file:
C:\Python37\python.exe C:/pythonProject/main.py
1.0: WARNING: No vType specified for PlatoonMode 'LEADER' for vehicle
'flow_0.0'. Behavior within platoon is NOT altered. This warning is issued
only once. (PVehicle)
1.0: WARNING: No vType specified for PlatoonMode 'FOLLOWER' for vehicle
'flow_0.0'. Behavior within platoon is NOT altered. This warning is issued
only once. (PVehicle)
1.0: WARNING: No vType specified for PlatoonMode 'CATCHUP' for vehicle
'flow_0.0'. Behavior within platoon is NOT altered. This warning is issued
only once. (PVehicle)
1.0: WARNING: No vType specified for PlatoonMode 'CATCHUP_FOLLOWER' for
vehicle 'flow_0.0'. Behavior within platoon is NOT altered. This warning is
issued only once. (PVehicle)

I don't know if I have to change any other configuration, hope anyone of
you can help me out!

Best regards and thanks,
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