Hello again,

Thank you for the quick response. Where do I find the calculation for the
breaking distance on SUMO? Is it specific to each car following model? Or
as I assumed it is the same calculation for them all?


On Tue, 29 Mar 2022 at 16:54, Jakob Erdmann <namdre.s...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Correct. You need to add the minGap for the front-bumper-to-back-bumper
> distance. The 'dist' parameter controls the maximum search distance for
> locating the leader (for a value of dist=0, it defaults to the breaking
> distance of the vehicle).
> Am Di., 29. März 2022 um 17:49 Uhr schrieb Hriday Sanghvi via sumo-user <
> sumo-user@eclipse.org>:
>> Hello,
>> I am currently using the Krauss model for car-following following a very
>> simple 2-lane scenario. When I use the *traci.vehicle.getLeader*(vehID=vh,
>> dist=0.0) command, for a vehicle *f.1*, I get the output *('f.0',
>> 1.0995103573504839) *- which is telling me that it is ~1.1m in front of
>> the vehicle *f.1.*
>> From what I can tell, it is calculating this value from
>> Front bumper position of vehicle f.0 - Front bumper position of vehicle
>> f.1 - Length of vehicle f.0 - Default mingap (2.5 m) = 13.70 - 5.10 - 5.0 -
>> 2.5 = *1.1m*
>> Is my understanding correct? So if I want the actual distance between the
>> ego vehicle's front bumper and the leader vehicle's back bumper, I need to
>> add the value of "minGap"? Is the "dist" parameter related to this?
>> Thank you.
>> Sincerely,
>> Hriday.
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