Hi Anna-Lena,
the usual approach for this is calibrating the car-following model (CFM) to 
a target gap (distribution). The main parameters which influence the gap 
are "tau" and "minGap" (see docs
). Please keep in mind that depending on the CFM there may be more 
parameters which play a role in certain situations.
Best regards
Betreff: [sumo-user] How to reduce distance between vehicles?
Datum: 2023-11-13T10:20:41+0100
Von: "Schlamp, Anna-Lena via sumo-user" <sumo-user@eclipse.org>
An: "sumo-user@eclipse.org" <sumo-user@eclipse.org>



I am working on the topic of automated driving. If one day there are only 
automated vehicles on the roads, there will no longer be a need for a 
safety distance and vehicles will be able to drive a short distance behind 
each other. I would like to investigate the resulting effects in more 

How can this be modeled in Sumo, in other words, how can I reduce the 
distance/gap size between vehicles while driving?



Thanks and best regards,






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