Hi Hector,
that one is easy to solve - just install pyproj to work with projections. Open 
your command prompt and type:

pip3 install pyproj

or if you want install all potentially needed dependencies:

pip3 install -r "C:\Program Files (x86)\Eclipse\Sumo\tools\requirements.txt"


From: sumo-user <sumo-user-boun...@eclipse.org> On Behalf Of Hector A Martinez 
via sumo-user
Sent: Friday, January 19, 2024 2:41 PM
To: Mirko Barthauer <m.bartha...@t-online.de>
Cc: Hector A Martinez <hmarti...@mitre.org>; SUMO-User mailing list, . 
Subject: Re: [sumo-user] [EXT] AW: SUMO-gui background options

Good morning Mirko,

I used this script in the link below:
python tools/tileGet.py -n test.net.xml -t 10

And I got this error message:

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Eclipse\Sumo\tools\tileGet.py", line 227, in 


  File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Eclipse\Sumo\tools\tileGet.py", line 189, in get

    west, south = net.convertXY2LonLat(*bboxNet[0])


  File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Eclipse\Sumo\tools\sumolib\net\__init__.py", 
line 502, in convertXY2LonLat

    return self.getGeoProj()(x, y, inverse=True)


  File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Eclipse\Sumo\tools\sumolib\net\__init__.py", 
line 471, in getGeoProj

    import pyproj

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pyproj'
Thanks in advance for any guidance,


From: Mirko Barthauer <m.bartha...@t-online.de<mailto:m.bartha...@t-online.de>>
Sent: Thursday, January 4, 2024 9:52 AM
To: Hector A Martinez <hmarti...@mitre.org<mailto:hmarti...@mitre.org>>
Cc: SUMO-User mailing list, . 
Subject: [EXT] AW: SUMO-gui background options

Hi Hector, you can download satellite image tiles ready to import with our 
helper script tileGet. py (see docs). You'll need a Google Maps key though. The 
script supports other background sources like MapQuest and ArcGIS as well. Best 

Hi Hector,

you can download satellite image tiles ready to import with our helper script 
tileGet.py (see docs<https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Tools/Misc.html#tilegetpy>). 
You'll need a Google Maps key though. The script supports other background 
sources like MapQuest and ArcGIS as well.

Best regards



Betreff: SUMO-gui background options

Datum: 2024-01-04T15:43:47+0100

Von: "Hector A Martinez" <hmarti...@mitre.org<mailto:hmarti...@mitre.org>>

An: "Mirko Barthauer" <m.bartha...@t-online.de<mailto:m.bartha...@t-online.de>>

Good morning Mirko,

Is there a way to make the sumo-gui background be for example the Google Map 

If so, where can I find the instructions on how to do it?


Hector A. Martinez, P.E.
Transportation Researcher, Resilient Transportation and Logistics LTM
MITRE | National Security Engineering 

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