You can have a look at our tests for all way stops. Download
here a set of example simulations.
Best regards
Betreff: [sumo-user] Implement all way stop intersection without traffic 
Datum: 2024-04-21T07:44:46+0200
Von: "Dayuan Tan via sumo-user" <>
An: "Sumo project User discussions" <>
Hi SUMO community,

Could anyone help me? Any replies would be appreciated deeply! Thank you so 
so much in advance!

I'm implementing an all way stop (4 stop signs) intersection without 
traffic lights but unfortunately cannot.

I've tried to change the tlLogic programID to "off" and set junction with  
type="allway_stop" rightOfWay="allwayStop"  but I think they don't work as 
they descripted in the documents. 

To change the tlLogic programID to "off" I used
traci.trafficlight.setProgram("0", "off")
at step 0 using python. I chose this way because I cannot directly define a 
tlLogic with programID="off" in net.xml which gave me an error and could 
not start SUMO.
The veh2 always stops and allows veh3 pass firstly. This is not what I 
expect but veh2 arrives at the intersection earlier and should pass before 
All 4 vehs didn't "stop" before the intersection. 
The color shows like the below which means "
    * FOO Traffic light, off-blinking, vehicle has to yield
    * FOO Traffic light, off-no-signal, vehicle has right of way"
I expect it shows: " 
    * FOO uncontrolled, allway-stop, all vehicles have to stop and then
      drive in the order of arrival"
I've carefully checked the below full pages:
I also searched previous archived emails but didn't find a solution, even 
though there were multiple people asking questions about all way stop 
Thank you so so much!
Deeply appreciated!
University of Maryland, Baltimore County

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