Dear Sundial Experts,

I found out about this sundial mailing list from "Sundials on the
Internet", which said this was a good place for technical questions.

I recently received, as a gift, a necklace-sized equatorial sundial.
However, the instuctions are in French (my French is not very good) and in
badly-translated English, so I can't figure out how to use it.

There are two rings:  an outer sliding ring that can be set to the proper
latitude (I live in Denver, Colorado, USA -- about 40 degrees north, I
believe), and an inside ring which rotates to be perpendicular to the outer
ring. The outer ring is marked with latitudes and decorations.  The inner
ring is marked with roman numerals. There is a needle down the center,
fixed to the outer ring, with a small sphere in its center.

How do I use this sundial?  Particularly:
-- do I need to point it exactly north, or just roughly towards the north?
-- should I be looking for the shadow of the needle or of the small sphere?
-- the numerals go all the way around the inner ring -- why?  will the
shadow ever fall on the southern side of the ring?

Please respond directly to [EMAIL PROTECTED], as I am not a subsciber to the

Thank you for your help!

        Cara Hart

Cara Hart
Systems Administrator
ARITEK Systems, Inc.

My opinions expressed here, and in any public forum, are my 
own and do not represent those of my employer or its clients. 

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