On Fri, 28 Nov 1997, Tom Kreyche wrote:

> Seattle's long and rarely sunlit winter has begun in earnest. 

Or, as a tagline on an astronomy list has it:
"Where the Sun is considered a deep-sky object!"

> I'm experimenting with building dials and want to test the ability of
> different gnomon designs to cast shadows.  Does anyone have ideas on
> building simulated sources of sunlight? I'm guessing a reasonable
> approximation is to simply put a bright light in a tube, and choose the
> appropriate tube diameter and distance from the dial so that the angular
> size appears near 32 minutes. 

I was a little surprised, when I worked out the diameter. I was about
to suggest a bare halogen lamp bulb, as a fair approximation to a point
source. But of course, you don't really *want* a point source! At 20 feet
radius, you get a diameter of a hair under 2.25 inches, which is close
to a reflectorized halogen lamp. Without having one handy to measure,
I would say the reflector lamps are about 1.75" diameter, which works
out to 16 feet from the dial.

> Tom

Good idea!


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