Hi, all the sundiallers !

Many thanks for the answers to my request about the amarican song "home
on the range", especially to John Conolly, Gordon Uber and Dave Bell !
Now I know all what I wanted to, and even more !
I hope that this personal message didn't "pollute" this list.

I realise that I forgot to present myself, the first time I subscribe :
36 years old, schoolmaster in Alsace (France) and very old "souvenir" of
English. Sundial list will refresh my old lessons !
Skydiver since 25 years, I'm interested in Sun, astronautics,
astro-photography, and ... sundials. I'm working with a stonecarver (or
sculptor ?) : I calculate, and he works artisticment. We realised
twenty  sundials of Alsacian sandstone (yellow to rose tint).
I did create, with some friends, an association for protection and
explanation of the art of sundialling, called "DASYPODIUS". This is the
name of the dialler who created all the Strasbourg Cathedral sundials
(more than twenty only on this monument !) The more known is
"l'adolescent au cadran".
Our president, Dr Hervé STAUB, published a book about all (more or less
!) the sundials of Alsace, called "Les horloges silencieuses d'Alsace"

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