Dear All,

I've read over the last couple of days various views on the sign for the
equation of time.

To my mind, if you're faced with a sundial and EoT you want to know what
the "real" time is i.e. watch time (an inflamatory remark if ever there was
one!)  Thus if you are at a time of year when you need to add minutes to
the time indicated by the sundial to get watch time, I should expect the
EoT to be positive.

>From a practical point of view, Dial Time + EoT = Watch Time would seem to
be sensible.  To the best of my knowledge this is the convention my father
uses on his dials (if it isn't I'll have words with him!).

If the EoT took the oposite sign this would seem to imply that you were
using it as a correction to watch time to get sundial time (Dial Time =
Watch Time +EoT), but in this case if you have a sundial you could just go
ahead and read it, and if you haven't, who cares what the dial time is ;-)

David Higgon

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