Jan Kulveit wrote:
> Dear gnomonists,
> yesterday I have found a description of
> kind of portable sundials knownn as "ring dials"
> or "sun ring". The construction of dial with
> one or two outlets is clear. But what about
> a dial with a movavable segment with
> an outlet? Did anyone know how constuct
> this  dial? What was the advantage of
> solution with movable segment?
> Thanks.
> Jan Kulveit
> tel/fax: +420-2-6882506

Dear Kulveit,

In my article "De Boerenring" ( The farmers ring ) in the bulletin of
the BSS, no 97.3, a ringdial with moving hole is described.
This aricle was published earlier in the bulletin of
De Zonnewijzerkring, Netherland.

Such a ring, with only hourpoints, is for sale, but in my article I
state that isn't correct.

Also a scale of date is needed, so in fact there is no advantage to make
a moving hole. Only the looking of the hourlines may be affected.

Fer de Vries, Netherland.

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