Ronald Zurcher wrote:
> Dear Sundial experts,
> I was given your address by Mr. Morrison whose name I also found in the web.
> My name is Monique Thoen and I am a practicing architect in San Jose, Costa
> Rica.  We are currently working on a park project located in Fortaleza,
> Brazil (south america), and in which a sun dial is being proposed.  I have
> been trying to find information regarding the nature of the design on these
> items.  The project proposes to have a sun dial which will reflect the time
> of the day on the ground.  We have a 25 meter circumferece area to work
> with. 


The mail, dated 24 may came at 18 july........
Still in a hurry or a false computer date?

I found Fortaleza in a map at latitude 4 south.
I calculated a horizontal dial for that latitude and attached the result
as brazil.gif.
That example reads local suntime.
At the right you find the needed style. Put it upright in the center of
the dial. Also made an indicator in the middle of the style for the
This is just a simple example.

Look at  for more information and

The other kind of dial is an analemmatic sundial.
A horizontal dial of this kind isn't very suitable at a latitude near
the equator. The pattern nearly is a straight line and during a rather
long periode the time is difficult to read.

What is the real latitude of the place where the sundial will be
What is the longitude?
What is the timezone in Fortaleza?
Than also dials to read clocktime can be calculated.
Good luch with the project.

Fer de Vries.

Attachment converted: MAC Hard Disk:brazil.gif (GIFf/JVWR) (00006DCF)

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